Why did Neo take the red pill?

Why did Woody wanna get rid of Buzz?

Why did Ben wanna drink himself to death?
As a therapist, I look at these questions through the lens of psychology. It’s far too simplistic to think their behaviors were solely triggered by events in the story. They go much deeper. Unresolved psychological wounds would have triggered them. Did Neo suffer abuse at the hands of a parent? Did Woody feel abandoned by his toy‑maker? Did Ben have a sibling die and feel survivor’s guilt? Are they suffering the effects of a Depression? Separation Anxiety? PTSD? Suicidal Ideation?
“...unless people are able to identify themselves with the character, its actions will seem unreal. And without personality, a story cannot ring true to the audience.
   ~ Walt Disney
How the protagonist responds to their unresolved trauma dictates the behavior that drives their story to its conclusion. So even if a protagonist’s trauma is not featured in the film, the writer must create a trauma‑backstory in order to develop a fully‑fledged character with a unique and relatable personality, one in which the audience can resonate with.
“Jeff’s ability to drill down deeper into a character’s soul to reveal their raw unfiltered emotions allows the writer to see them in new, exciting, and more authentic ways.”
   ~ Diane McArter, President, Furlined commercial production
As a therapist and a writer, whether it’s a sci‑fi thriller, animated feel-good story, or a dark drama, I can help you develop a flawed, conflicted, and deeply complex protagonist in order that you are able to craft a meaningful, engaging, and believable story.